How Difficult is Getting to $1 Million?

Do you have the lofty goal of getting to $1M in your speaking business? 
Reaching the goal certainly isn't impossible, but you have to make sure your goals are aligned with your desires and work ethic. 
In this free download, we walk you through exactly what it takes - regardless of your speaking income now - to build a speaking business and income you desire!

What you need at each income level ranging from $50K to $1M

Who you need on your team to 

reach your financial dreams

What systems you need in place to run and grow your business

About Jane Atkinson

Author of The Wealthy Speaker 2.0 and The Epic Keynote, Jane Atkinson has been putting speakers on the map for nearly three decades. 

Her clients speak to Fortune 100 companies and National Associations for fees at the very top of the industry spectrum. 


You'll be inspired by the journey that others have taken and you will leave ready to take action.

Grab your copy now!

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